Home remedies to increase breast milk supply|5 kitchen food to increase breast milk supply|माँ का दूध बढ़ने के घरेलू उपाय(2019)
Home remedies to increase breast milk supply|5 kitchen food to increase breast milk supply|माँ का दूध बढ़ने के घरेलू उपाय Breast milk is considered to be the best food for the babies. As they contains all the nutrition required for the baby. During first six months, baby should be strictly on mothers milk. Breast milk contains all vitamins and antibiotics required to improve immunity of the baby. No animal milk is allowed during first six months, as babies digestive systems are not fully developed. Formula milk is accepted only in a certain situation where mother is not able to produce milk for the babies. After few days of delivery, you may observe that you are not able to produce enough milk for the baby. Reason behind this may be anxiety , hormonal imbalance, baby's health, exertion and many more.Here I have given some tips to increase the breast milk supply. I also have us...